This document reflects the common belief of the VPA and capL that the only effective and effective way to address the growing problem of common well pads without agreement is to create a previous document that can serve as a starting point for the vast majority of warranty sharing agreements. Please reply: until March 1, 2019 Click here to see a copy of Jay Todesco`s presentation of Nexen Energy ULC and co-chair of the UROA Editorial Board. The range of content published on websites includes: This new model becomes a robust and complete document with your support and input. The task force welcomed the many comments on Projects 1, 2 and 3, and we thank you very much. Comments on Project 3 and responses from the task force were gathered in a matrix that is displayed with the final document. The names of the commenting parties have been deleted. The matrix was sent to all companies and individuals who provided feedback. The vast majority of comments were used to make the changes to the final document. The “Retooled Model CO-O Agreement” is now ready to be verified. This document has been significantly improved and expanded from the 1999 model and was developed in response to feedback from the VPA membership of almost the creation of the 1999 model. At the beginning of each calendar year, the standing committee of the VPA will take over all erratas for the past year and integrate them into a new version of the VPA agreements. Since members present points or concerns to the VPA Standing Committee, they are discussed and, if agreed, we raise the point or concerns on the Errata side so that other members can consult them.
Michael Bruch, P. Eng. President, PJVA-CAPL Pad Sharing Sharing Agreement You can get an opposite presentation of the text and comments by printing the PDF file in a double-sided format. We are pleased to inform you that the new PJVA-CAPL Pad Sharing Agreement (PSSA) was introduced on September 25, 2018 for more than 210 PJVA/CAPL members and others and that the material associated with the PSSA is now available on the PJVA website. This is a proposed Joint Operating Agreement, designed by the Association of International Petroleum Negotiators (AIPN) to be used specifically for unconventional resource sets. The Model CO-O Agreement – Industry Draft 1 pack contains the following downloadable items: To use the PSSA, you can order them online via the order form for PJVA publications – Word documents as well as the listed PDF document. The documents are available free of charge for 30 days. We invite you to review this new model and provide feedback and comments with the Word downloadable comment template.