Mom Fdw Agreement

You do not have to sign a security agreement if you extend the contract of your existing FDW. On the one hand, while encouraging employers to document agreements between them and agencies, they are not required to document the FDW`s agreement on the transfer. As HOME put it: “As we give more power to employers and [employment agencies] to determine the fate of MDW`s livelihoods, MDWs are not given the same power to control their own circumstances. The imbalance between MDWs, on the one hand, and employers and EEa on the other, remains blocked. You and your FDW must also sign a security agreement before working for you. The contract is signed by three parties: you, the Employment Agency and the FDW. You must keep a copy of the agreement. Finally, employers can bypass agencies and transfer FDW directly to another employer – a process that in turn only includes documentation of the agreement between the two employers, not the FDW. MOM`s opinion that “the employment agency can revoke the work permit if the FDW is pleasant and ready to be deployed” is therefore not always true. Remember that your maid should also have a say in the contract, which should only be concluded and signed after an amicable agreement. Add as much relevant information as possible and make sure your maid understands the conditions before signing. Other things you should include in the contract are working hours (many domestic helpers work too long because they live in their workplace), housing conditions and holiday schemes.

Since there is no standard contract in Singapore, you can invent one for yourself. You can use model contracts such as those created by the Association of Employment Agencies of Singapore (AEAS) and CaseTrust. These can be adapted to your situation. However, employers should keep in mind that the contract is subject to the conditions related to the work permit. For example, you can`t include tasks that aren`t allowed in your assistant`s work permit conditions, such as. B the care of other households. You can also ask your employment agency to design the contract for you. HelperChoice works with ethical employment agencies so as not to impinge employers. Send us an email to for an offer! See also: Maid Employment Law Refer to the table of when you need to sign the security agreement: we will continue to work with our stakeholders and help them with the necessary adjustments. Employment agencies must reimburse FDW half of the placement fee if the contract ends within six months. Second, employers have the final say on requests to transfer FDWs (unless they are mom or police investigations). It is not clear how FDWs can initiate or deny a transmission.

From HOME`s experience, it was rare for employers to forgive transfers before COVID-19. . . .

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